Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Ah Tuesdays - what can I say? They begin with a meeting and end with meetings. It is the day o' meetings. My family knows that to try to contact me on a Tuesday is fruitless because I am neither at home, nor in the office. I am "away from my desk" for practically the entire day. That said, a lot gets done on Tuesdays; information is exchanged, events are planned, people are fed and ministered to at the Drop-in. Not a bad day's work all in all. When I do get home at the end of it all I am ready to collapse into some sort of minor coma, but at least it means I'll sleep well :)

Tonight I have a dinner meeting at the Bishop's house. Some of the younger clergy and others who are involved with Youth Ministry in the Diocese are getting together to talk about the future of Youth and Youth Ministry.

I find that the biggest question I have about this dinner is...What do I wear?? Generally when going to the Bishop's house for dinner you don't want to go looking like a sloth, on the other hand it is a BBQ and I don't necessarily want to go in my dress-pants and heals and be over dressed. This is one of the questions of young clergy. Can a person wear jeans to the Bishop's house?

I don't know. I may give it a try. Pray for me.


1 comment:

Tay Moss said...

That was a good night--and Jeans were totally the right call!